Hey there! I'm so glad you found my website!  Let me guess...you have been searching for something but you can't quite put your finger on it. Searching for "that thing" that can help you get "un-stuck" and move to the next level in your life - whether it is the next level in your business, your brand, maybe your mindset or confidence - the way that you show up in the world. You want to stand out. You believe you are here, on this earth, at this time, for a special reason. You want people to hear your message, to join the movement, notice your brand, follow where you're going, improve their lives because of you, who you are and the message that you have to share.  Well, you've found the right place! Welcome home, so relax, grab your favorite mug and blanket, put on a pot of tea, and make yourself comfortable. (ps-tea in my favorite big grey mug curled up in front of our fireplace is one of my favorite things)! ; )

Now that you're comfortable, I'm going to dive right in...into something that may make you feel uncomfortable...(it's ok...we are in this together). Chances are, there is an area in your life that you want to improve (remember the list above? It's ok to admit...growth is always a good thing and I want to improve in all areas of my life all the time)! Here's the catch...improvement is haaaarrrrddddd....it feels like we are pushing a boulder uphill. It requires constantly growing, evolving and expanding our comfort zone. And who wants to do that? What if there was a different way? Maybe it's not improvement, but something more like unbecoming what we thought we other's wanted us to be and becoming what's Real.

Owning what is True for You - in this moment. There is one more catch...there is this 'thing' that keeps us stuck where we are, that keeps the masks on, that keeps us playing small and guarding our hearts...guess what it is.  It's Fear. Did you know that we are only born with 2 real fears? The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.  The rest of these 'so-called-fears' that we experience are learned throughout our lives in different experiences that have left a negative impact on our heart and soul. Fear of rejection. Fear of failure. Fear of doing something wrong. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being worthless. Fear is what keeps us stuck. It's what paralyzes us from moving forward. Here's another catch...it is kind of comfortable to live in fear...it's comfortable to not play big.  It's comfortable to to keep the same tribe of people who wallow in the gossip and the negative self talk and the competition (especially among women) and tearing others down. It's comfortable to "do business as usual" and to not try new things as technology evolves.  It's easy to stay "busy" but never be effective in our work and in our mission.  It's easy to blend in with the crowd instead of stand out, command attention, and use your platform for the good and service of others.  It's comfortable to do what we've always done, day in and day out.

How do I know this stuff? Well, besides my degree in Psychology (I'm reading your thoughts right this very moment..ok, ok, not really) =), (I also have a a coaching minor, I’m a certified coach through Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Coaching Certification, I've trained under Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, David T.S. Wood, Robin Sharma, John Maxwell (Leadership Coach Certified), EFT Trained (emotional freedom technique), Yoga and Mindfulness Expert, and all sorts of other courses/certifications, haha!  I'm the biggest nerd and love to learn)….but I have also experienced all of those fears. I was there (and still can find myself there from time to time...I'm in process too and I'm finally ok to admit that).  I am proud to say that, through a lot of growth, work, self-discovery, forgiveness, healing, coaching, and God's grace, I have been able to move through the fears that held me back and allow God to create something beYOUtiful out of this hot mess...There's another catch - one that I'm still trying to wrap my brain around...it's ALWAYS a process. 

Let me share some of my process...

I was paralyzed by fear in multiple areas of my life:

- I was paralyzed in my Outward Appearance - I was 20 pounds overweight, exhausted, foggy-headed, self-conscious and uncomfortable in my own skin. I would take diet pills and drink energy drinks all day to try and function and drink wine at night to calm back down. I felt like a plain jane, wandering aimlessly in my closet of clothes that I hated, and an outward appearance that made me feel "blah" every time I looked in the mirror. I was unhappy. I was stuck. I felt worthless. I may have seemed confident on the outside, but on the inside I was insecure, tired and lacked confidence. I blended in.

-I was paralyzed in business - I was stuck in overwhelm, trying to do everything myself, trying to learn every type of new technology, trying to stay on top of it all, when in reality I was drowning.  My business wasn't growing, it was dying.  I was scared that if I spent money on something that would make my business run smoother, that I would just be wasting it and keep losing money. My message wasn't reaching the masses, I was talking to myself.  Nothing I tried stuck or caught Momentum. I was spinning my wheels and going no where. I...was...exhausted.

- I was paralyzed in my relationships - I was a people pleaser. I changed who I was depending on who I was around so that people would like me because of fear of rejection. I had experienced rejection from friends and even from coaches that left an imprint on my heart, so much so, that I thought there was something wrong with me and who God made me to be. I hid behind masks and hurt others before they could hurt me.  I played small.

- I was paralyzed in life - I was so afraid of failing or choosing the wrong thing so I would stay in my safe comfort zone. I would rarely try new things or meet new people because I didn't want to fail, mess up, or show vulnerability.  I was a perfectionists because I thought that if I did everything perfect and never messed up, I would gain approval and people would like me.  My self-worth was based on performance so if I messed up, I was devastated and would tailspin into crippling negative self talk. I dimmed my light.

I used to be very self-conscious and uncomfortable in my own skin. I used to have negative self-talk that kept me from reaching my potential and would keep me frozen in fear. I was afraid of failure. I was afraid of what other's thought of me. I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid of succeeding because I didn't think I was worthy of success. I used to have low-energy, not even having the desire to get out of bed in the morning...

What's the bright side of this debbie downer story? I'm glad you asked. The moral of the story is that you're not alone, I know how you feel and there is hope! I began to open my heart and process through my fears. I began to tell myself different stories and work on my mindset. I let go of limiting beliefs that kept me playing small, guarding my heart and dimming my light.  We can only learn and grow by being aware of "the thing" first.  It was hard to dig up the hurts of my past (and I'm still digging stuff up). It was hard to forgive those who hurt me. Even harder was finally forgiving myself. It was hard to let go of the habits that weren't serving me and my greater purpose because those habits are oh-so-comfortable and easy to keep doing. It was hard to undo the programming that had been done from toxic people, negative thoughts, poor business practices, the media/print, social media, and stereotypes of society.

But I did it...I dove into doing the work and am still doing the work daily. I began to practice the things I now coach.  I began to find that as I was brave in sharing my story, it gave other women permission to be brave with theirs and to seek out more for their lives.  To find the True beYOUty inside of them. To grow in their message, how they serve others with their business, and how they show up in the world. To leave behind the stereotypes, the masks, the negative thoughts, the comparison, the gossip, and the junk.

To Stand Up.  To Stand Firm.  To Stand Out.  To SHINE.


Today, as I continue in my own process and coach others to process through their journey, I am humbled and so grateful I have a loving husband and the cutest little baby boy you will ever see! I have loving, healthy, life-giving relationships, I am confident and feel beautiful on the inside and outside, and am continuing to create a life that is in alignment with God's greater purpose for me and for the world.   But I'm not done...a big part of my purpose is to now pay that forward and empower YOU to do the same.  To own your purpose, your mission and your message. To show up in the world in a powerful way.  To bring EASE into your business and life.  To get you out of the fears that hold you back and into the purpose that is awaiting you.  To build a brand that stands out from the rest and commands attention. Because of the junk I've had to sort through, I truly believe that the world (especially for us as women) could be drastically different.

I am on a MISSION to help others, just like you, align with their purpose, take bold & inspired action and implement savvy business strategy so they can confidently, authentically and unapologetically shine.

I'm inviting YOU to discover your story and be a part of the vision and mission, and more importantly, get in alignment with yours.

What if, together, we built your story! What would life look like for you if there were no masks or walls guarding your heart, if the people you surrounded yourself with were life-giving, powerful women doing great things in the world? What if you could step in and fully own your beautiful purpose?  What if your brand could stand out and shine bright?  What if your business became EASIER, so that you could do the things that you love instead of being buried in the things that you dread.

I have the honor of empowering other's to find their inner strength, courage, beYOUty and confidence. I recommend a variety of tools, products and services according to each individual, as well as online courses and personal coaching. I am still in process, as we all are, and won't ever "arrive," but I do believe that as we learn how to step into the full potential of our God-given purpose, we are to share our experiences and the lessons we learned with others, and that's what this site is all about. I now have the honor of coaching people from all over the world with regards to entrepreneurship, branding, beauty, business, and transforming their lives in many ways.

At the foundation of it all, I believe that health is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and others.  Having a healthy mind, body and spirit is one of the most important things because it allows us to show up in life, uninhibited by jumbled thoughts, feeling comfortable in our own skin, and free in our spirit to be fully who we were created to be.

I was in the health and wellness industry for over 12 years as a Personal Trainer, Health Coach, a Television Fitness Show Host, Business Owner, Online Entrepreneur, Marketer, a Beauty Queen, a magazine cover model, a prominent business women, community volunteer, Lifestyle Entrepreneur and Life Transformation Specialists.  I believe that true wellness comes from having a well-rounded knowledge and practice of making our complete well-being a priority. If we are not well in any area of our life, it affects the others, hence my approach to health as a whole - in the mind, in the body, and in the spirit. I have extensive background in psychology, exercise science, nutrition, coaching, the beauty industry, marketing, networking, public speaking, self-confidence and beauty training, as well as many certifications in the health and fitness industry. I was even a beauty queen and competed in the Mrs. America competition in 2015, Mrs. World in 2017 and Mrs. United States in 2018, so I may know a thing or two about what helps us grow in our confidence and inner (and outter) beYOUty. ; )  (because yes, there are certain colors that look better on you than others).

I’ve had the unique opportunity to work with thousands of women, from all over the world, and I look forward to seeing how I can help you.

I hope you find value in the lessons I have sometimes learned the hard way and in the knowledge that I am giving. My heart is to serve others and to see other's in their full power and God-given purpose.

Thank you for taking the time to hear my story...I look forward to hearing (and being a part of) yours!

With all my love,



Charity's Professional Bio

Charity Majors: 

Charity has been involved in the fitness industry for over 15 years. She began her training under Olympic caliber athletes and some of the nation’s best coaches that raised her to live a healthy lifestyle from the beginning. Throughout college, her training continued to develop as she played collegiate volleyball and learned from knowledgeable strength and conditioning coaches that coached high quality athletes.

After graduating from College of Idaho with honors, Charity earned degrees in Exercise Science, Psychology, and Coaching, only then to continue her education with the National Academy of Sports Medicine to become a Certified Personal Trainer. Her education continued to include multiple nutrition certifications, speed coaching certifications, as well as corrective exercise. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Health Sciences.

Charity’s love for her profession, her clients and for educating those around her, is evident in the passion and smile that she brings to each training session. If she creates a client that becomes dependent on her, she feels she hasn’t done her job because it is her hope to educate and instill a healthy lifestyle that can be achieved when clients are away from her.

 Whether you want to lose weight, increase lean body mass, work on flexibility, work on speed and agility for sports, or live pain free, Charity has the knowledge and the skills to build exercise programs and nutrition education that will be suited to every individual’s specific needs and goals.

Charity has received multiple awards in the Treasure Valley, including Trainer of the Year twice as well as Best Customer Service. She trains clients in environments that are comfortable for them (whether it’s the private studio, at home, at the office, or in the park).

She was also a Health Coach at Blue Cross of Idaho, helping employees with nutrition, health and fitness. She worked at Boise State University, helping rebuild their personal training department and managing the Strength and Conditioning Attendants. She was the co-host and trainer for formally Fox 12 Fitness, which is now Health Fit 12 on KTRV 12. 

In 2014, she competed against 38 other women to win the title of Mrs. Idaho America 2015. She enjoyed a full year of serving her community through non-profit involvement, public speaking, fund-raising, business building and connecting with other leaders. She competed in Mrs. America in 2015, was chosen as a Mrs. World Top 6 finalist in 2017 and is still involved with the Mrs. Idaho America organization to this day.  She has an online coaching pageant prep program called The BeYOUty Pageant Revolution.

She was a successful Network Marketer where she not only helped hundreds of others transform their bodies, but built a successful team that is growing and successfully creating extra income from a home-based-business.  Marketing, branding, and business strategy were integral in growing to the top 2% of a billion dollar company, and there are lessons she brings with her, from this experience, into her multiple businesses as well as into the lives and businesses of those she coaches.

Charity believes in continued personal development and leadership training. She has learned from and trained with leaders such as John Maxwell, Gabby Bernstein, Jack Canfield, Robin Sharma, David T.S. Wood, Lisa Nichols, Amber Lilystrom, Natasha Hazlett, Beth Misner, Sheli Gartman, Lori Harder, Colin James, and more.

She continues to create communities of like-minded women who want to better themselves and improve their lives through her programs. Her involvement continues with her personal brand, her home-based-business, non-profit organizations, her public speaking, her Podcast (Meant for More on iTunes) sharing her story with her first book, "Their Ceiling, your Floor," as well as her newly published book, “Meant For More; Igniting Your Purpose in a World That Tries to Dim Your Light.