Charity majors

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Pruning of the branches...

If the 🍇branches of the vine🍇 are left unpruned, the branch will continue to grow a single vine will just keep growing and growing and growing and growing...

But the problem with that is that the grapes can only grow and be sustained close to the source of the nutrients - the main trunk.

So, if not pruned, the vine will spend all of its time, energy and resources to grow a looonnnnngggggg stick...

With no grapes.

No fruit.

No harvest.

No purpose.

Yep…you read that right…Just a lot of wasted time, energy and resources with nothing but a stick to show for it. 😳

Where in your life are you growing sticks vs. "bearing fruit"?
And what needs to be pruned in order to bear fruit?

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